Muscle Building guide for Males over 35
Robin Smith
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Putting on size can be difficult. It's not something that just happens over night and it will take a lot of hard work and dedication. building solid muscle requires a strict workout regime and your body needs to get the right fuel to ensure you are recovering as fast as possible and actually building the muscles you breakdown while working out. The best thing you can do to put on size is to make sure you are eating enough of the right things.
If you have a good diet and you workout lots, but are still struggling to pack on muscle, there are a number of supplements that can help improve muscle mass, strength and help take your workouts to the next level.
Whey Protein Blends
Your body needs protein help build muscle. There are however many forms of protein powders, some of which will benefit you if your goal is to lose weight, and others that are designed to pack on size.
The difference being the form of protein and any extras that are added such as Carbohydrates or thermogenic compounds.
Whey protein blends offer a combination of different proteins designed to give your body the optimal amount of fuel throughout the day without being full of fillers but still being affordable and effective.
Creatine is one of the most researched and found to be most effective Sports supplements on the market. It has been around for a long time and is still a staple in a lot of athletes supplementation plans.
The best part of creatine is that it's effectiveness is visible at all levels of athletes and no matter how long you have been training you will be able to see improved strength, endurance and lean muscle.
Test Boosters
As we get older, our body starts to produce less and less natural testosterone. Test boosters can help increase performance by aiding the growth of lean muscle, in addition to having positive benefits on blood flow, libido, skin health and nitric oxide levels. it can be a great addition to a muscle building stack for older men.
Branched Chain Amino Acids, or BCAAs are a great addition to any supplement stack.
Perfect for taking during your workouts or sipping on throughout the day on non training days, BCAAs can help promote muscle protein synthesis, improve recovery and increase muscle mass over time.
You can also find BCAA powders with added extras such as electrolytes which make them the perfect Intra-workout supplement.
Protein bars/snacks
The most effective time to take fast digesting protein is directly after your workout while your body is still in the "Anabolic Window".
Sometimes it's not always easy to have a large meal or a protein shake so soon after a workout. That's where protein bars are perfect. It's easy to snack on a protein bar on the way home from the gym and they will provide a good dose of protein and depending on the bar can offer carbohydrates and other healthy calories.
If you are trying top put on serious size your daily protein intake will be quite high as well and can often be tough to reach just from food, so fitting in one or two protein bars a day will help reach your macros and make sure you are feeding your body enough of what it needs.
Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional prior to taking any dietary supplement. Read the labels and take only as directed.
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