Lower Back - Deadlift Technique

Lower Back - Deadlift Technique
The deadlift involves more body parts than most other exercises. Despite being a very beneficial exercise for the whole body, if done incorrectly, you can do yourself a very bad injury. Main muscle targeted – Erector Spinae (lower back) and Helper muscles targeted – Upper back (middle and lats), biceps, forearms, quads, traps, hamstrings and rear deltoids


      • Compound Exercise
      • Main muscle targeted – Erector Spinae (lower back)
      • Helper muscles – Upper back (middle and lats), biceps, forearms, quads, traps, hamstrings and rear deltoids

Male | Female


Stand in front of the barbell, putting your hands a little wider than shoulder width apart Grip the bar with one hand in an over grip position and the other in a reverse grip position Lift the bar off the rack, arch your back, and lower the bar to the floor slowly, maintaining a straight back and keeping the bar close to your legs. Once you’ve reached the floor bring the bar back up to your hips while squeezing your glutes, contracting your lower back and squeezing your rear traps. This will make sure you activate all the muscles required. Always bend from your hips, not your back.

Why it’s good:

The deadlift works a lot of the body, especially the core. This is important for getting healthy and getting rid of visceral fat.

What to watch out for:

Keeping good posture is massively important in the deadlift. If you arch or curl your back, you can damage your spine, which will take a very long time to recover from, if you can at all.

Snapshot: Lower Back - Deadlift Technique

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