Why BMI isn’t the best indicator of your health
Robin Smith
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Body mass index (BMI) is a popular term for people to throw around when they’re talking about their health. BMI is a comparison of your weight to your height. Based on your characteristics, there are different established levels that determine if you’re underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese. Some people take this listing as gospel and use it as a barometer for whether or not they’re healthy. But, as with almost everything when it comes to your body, there is not one thing you can do or look at that will give you a perfect picture of your overall health. Here are a couple reasons why a great BMI rating might not mean your body is in as good or as bad condition you think.
Location, location, location
How much weight you’re carrying definitely matters. But it’s not the only factor in determining if you’re healthy or not. Where on your body you carry that weight is a factor. If you carry your weight around your midsection, you’re in greater danger of having weight-related health problems. Your body is considered healthier if you carry weight in your lower half. BMI doesn’t differentiate between where the weight on your body is carried, which means two people that have the same BMI might have different levels of health.
Massive mass differences
BMI readings also don’t take into account the different types of mass attached to your frame. The reading has no way to differentiate between lean muscular tissue and fatty buildup. This leads to yet another situation in which people with identical BMI readings might be on opposite ends of the health spectrum. It can also mean that if you are getting healthier by converting fat into muscle through exercise, eating well and taking protein supplements such as Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey, your BMI reading might not actually change.
What do we do with BMI?
As with many health indicators, BMI can be a valuable tool in painting a clearer picture of health levels. However, it should not be the only one. Using it as one of the measuring sticks on your way to your fitness goals is fine, but make sure you’re also paying attention to your diet, exercise routines and supplement regimes. Tools such as fat burners and weight loss supplements such as Maxine’s Burn can work in conjunction with readings such as BMI to help you reach your goals.
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